Are you wondering how much does Ezoic pay for 1,000 views?
How about what factors impact the amount Ezoic pays its website publishers for every one thousand visitors that come to a site?
Well, that’s exactly what you’ll find out below.
In this guide, you’ll get a complete overview of how much Ezoic pays per 1,000 views and the various attributes that impact the monetization of a website. The ultimate goal here is to help you get a better estimate of the amount of money you can earn with your site and to show you what factors may be impacting your monthly earnings.

How Much Does Ezoic Pay for 1,000 Views?
Ezoic pays $10-40 for 1,000 views on average. The total earnings depend on the website niche, number of ads displayed, traffic location, time of year, bounce rate, pages visited per session, and if the website is enrolled in the Ezoic Premium program which pays the most per thousand views.
Ezoic refers to earnings per 1,000 visitors as “EPMV” and it’s calculated as follows:
EPMV = Total Earnings ÷ (Visitors ÷ 1,000)
Here’s an example calculation:
- $1,000 earned from ADX (advertising exchange).
- 100,000 visits reported in Google Analytics.
- EPMV = $1,000 ÷ (100,000 ÷ 1,000) which is $10 EPMV
Note: Ezoic reports the total ad revenue for all user sessions with EPMV; not just on a page-level basis like you get with other advertising platforms that use RPM (Revenue per Mille). Check out this other guide on Ezoic RPM rates for further explanation of this difference.
Additionally, Ezoic gives publishers 90% of ad revenue (the highest in the industry), which is why it’s ranked as one of the best ad networks for small publishers. If you’re not a current Ezoic user, then I invite you to use my Ezoic affiliate link here to get started today. You can also visit this other page to view Ezoic ads requirements or go to this step-by-step guide that shows how to put ads on your website.
Factors That Affect Ezoic Earnings Per 1,000 Views
Website Niche
The website niche impacts how much you’ll get paid per 1,000 views with Ezoic.
Industries like insurance and law firms, for example, have higher advertising bids for cost-per-click (CPC) and cost-per thousand (CPM) views, which also translates to higher earnings per visitor. Compare that to low CPC and CPM niches like books and artwork that don’t pay much for each click or pageview.
Number of Ads Displayed
The total number of ads displayed for each visitor also impacts how much each view pays. A website that displays 10 ads to each user will typically earn more money per 1,000 views than a website that only displays 5 ads. (See this related guide on how to increase Ezoic ad revenue for more details about this topic and the others listed below.)
Additionally, as explained in this other guide on the topic of is Ezoic free to use, there’s another option for ad-funded sites that’s different than the 10% revenue share program. Check that page out to get more details about how that choice can impact your earnings.
Traffic Location
The source of your website traffic impacts your EPMV value with Ezoic. Countries like the United States, United Kingdom, and Australia pay the highest EPMV values for each visit; however, countries like India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh have the lowest EPMV values.
As you can see in the image below, the EPMV for United States visitors is $59.21 for this sample website while the EPMV for India visitors is $10.44. Therefore, the website publisher would benefit by attracting more users from the United States than it would from India to increase the average EMPV with Ezoic. Alternatively, the publisher could post more content that attracts visitors from the United Kingdom or Austrialia, which are also high-paying countries with $61.96 to $64.79 EPMVs.

Time of Year
In some niches, the time of year will affect the earnings of a website that uses Ezoic’s advertising network. For example, a website that focuses on the topic of air conditioners will typically have higher earnings for each visitor during the summer months and lower earnings in the winter months.
The advertising quarter also impacts how much you’ll get paid per 1,000 visitors with Ezoic. On average, Q1 (January, February, March) and Q3 (July, August, September) are low-paying quarters while Q2 (April, May, June) and Q4 (October, November, December) are the highest paying quarters for every industry.
Bounce Rate
One of the top benefits of using EPMV rather than RPM (Revenue Per Mile) to measure the total earnings per 1,000 visitors on Ezoic is that it takes into account the website’s bounce rate metric.
According to Ezoic, “EPMV will automatically take into account the impact your ads have on bounce rate and page views per visit.” If you think about it, you can easily increase your RPM by jamming more ads on the page or having higher-paying, but more intrusive ads. But this improvement in RPM can come at the cost of a higher bounce rate which means users are dissatisfied with the experience and leave your website.
In other words, you can increase your RPM from $5 to $10 but if your bounce rate goes up 50% and your average page per view metric goes down by from 2 to 1, then the higher RPM value won’t matter because fewer people are staying on your website to view the ads. Other advertising platforms like Mediavine use RPM as their earning metric. See this other guide on Ezoic vs Mediavine to learn more about these differences.
Pages Visited Per Session
As mentioned previously, the average number of pages visited per session also impacts your Ezoic earnings per 1,000 visitors. The goal for every website should be to increase the total number of pages viewed per visitor with each session.
For example, a website that has an average number of 3 pages visited per session for each user will typically make more money with Ezoic than a website that only serves 1 page per visitor.
Ezoic Premium Enrollment
Ezoic has a Premium program that allows its members to gain access to higher-paying ads. This means that the average EPMV for every 1,000 views will increase for any website that’s part of Ezoic Premium.
You can read my full Ezoic Premium review to get more details about it. But, in general, the more money you earn through Ezoic as a Premium partner, the higher your earnings will increase for each visitor that comes to the website. For example, before SEO Chatter was part of the Premium program, the average earnings per visitor was around $0.02. After joining the program, those earnings increased to $0.03 on average, or $30 EPMV.
Also, if you were considering Google AdSense instead of Ezoic, then you may want to read this other page on how much does AdSense pay per 1,000 views. You’ll find out that AdSense pays much less on average than Ezoic and is always a better choice for every website publisher.
Now, if you like the idea of using Ezoic to monetize your website, then I invite you to use my Ezoic affiliate link here to get started with the network today.
Use Ezoic’s Calculator to Estimate Your Earnings Per 1,000 Views
You can get a quick estimate of your website’s EPMV value for 1,000 views by using Ezoic’s EPMV calculator. However, you’ll need to know the exact number of sessions for each type of device (desktop, mobile, and tablet) as well as the current ad revenue for those traffic sources for the calculation to work.
When you’re done trying out the calculator, I invite you to use my Ezoic affiliate link here to get signed up with the network so you can start monetizing your website today.
Amount Ezoic Pays for 1,000 Views Summary
I hope you enjoyed this guide on how much does Ezoic pay for 1,000 views.
As you discovered, Ezoic pays each website publisher a different amount depending on various factors like the website niche, number of ads displayed, traffic location, time of year, bounce rate, pages visited per session, and enrollment in the Ezoic Premium program. Therefore, to get an accurate estimate of how much Ezoic will pay per thousand visitors to your website, you’ll need to try it out yourself.

SEO Chatter is dedicated to teaching the fundamentals of search engine marketing to help marketers understand how to increase organic website traffic and improve search engine rankings.