10 Best Link Building Services for Awesome Backlinks In 2023

Choosing the best link building service isn’t easy.

Everyone knows that backlinks are the most important ranking factor after your content and site structure is up to par. However, building high quality links is very hard, and many businesses simply don’t have the resources available in-house to do it. 

But figuring out how to outsource your link building efforts is complex. 

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) isn’t a regulated industry—there’s no certificate or qualification you can look for to tell whether a service is respectable. Additionally, there are many spammy link building services. These businesses generate backlinks, but the output is unlikely to move your search engine rankings forward in any significant way. And they may even harm your site. 

Despite this, there are still plenty of great services out there. This article will list some of the best link building companies and agencies around.

Best Link Building Services

What Makes a Good Link Building Service?

It’s not easy, but there are ways to tell good link building companies from spammy ones. You just need to know what to look for. 

These are the signals that we think are good signs that a link building service is worth hiring.

  • The company should have a proven history of success: Look for testimonials, case studies, successful clients, and example links. The more of this proof you can see, the harder it is to fake.  
  • Transparency into link building methodology: Look for detailed information on how a service builds links. See if you can approve or reject links. Discover the service’s stance on paid links and decide whether you agree. 
  • The service works with the client to create a tailored strategy: Look for a service that will work with you to create a plan tailored to your needs. If it won’t, this is a huge red flag. It suggests they use the same strategy for each client, meaning it will either be ineffective or involve placing links on sites like PBNs, directories, or link farms.
  • The company only places links on quality sites: Look for a service with a track record of generating great links. Discover what their due diligence looks like and how they tell good sites from bad ones. 

The companies on our list meet or surpass each of the above criteria—making them trustworthy choices for building links. All you have to do is choose the one that is the right fit for your needs. 

Let’s jump into our top list of services. There will be no surprises about which service is in at number one.

Best Link Building Services: 10 Top Companies

1. LinkBuilder.io: Best Overall Link Building Service

#1 Linkbuilder.io Best Link Building Services
LinkBuilder ProsLinkBuilder Cons
✅ Full service link building agency that has incredible SEO knowledge.
✅ Trusted by global brands like Udemy and SoFi.
✅ Demonstrable history of exceptional results (read case studies for more) strong testimonials and verifiable Clutch reviews
✅ Only builds real backlinks from sites with traffic from search engines
❌ Don’t offer pay per link models which some prefer for flexibility 

Yes, we’re putting ourselves first on this list. 

That’s for a good reason: we’ve seen firsthand how the links we build have positively affected our client’s websites, and we’re trusted by some global brands to handle their link building efforts. 

We’re a full-service link building agency offering monthly packages, which means we do everything from strategy and competitor analysis to executing on high performance link building campaigns.

We generate real backlinks on sites with sustainable traffic using manual outreach-based link building strategies. We never use PBNs, directories, link farms, or other types of spammy links that could harm your site. 

Linkbuilder.io Benefits

What separates us from the competition? 

  • We’re highly driven by competitor research – We reverse engineer sites in your niche that are performing incredibly well, and develop a long-term link building strategy. 
  • We’re trusted by knowledgeable SEO teams – Companies like Udemy, SoFi and Trip Advisor have trusted us to deliver amazing backlinks and results. 
  • We’re an extension of your team – We don’t just build links. Our team has complete buy-in to your overall SEO strategy, and we genuinely care about delivering a positive ROI. 
  • Our own company website actually ranks incredibly well for a ton of link building search terms – In other words, we actually practice what we preach when it comes to SEO. 

When a business signs up for our service, we spend time generating a plan that reflects their strengths and goals, and essentially become an extension of their SEO team.

For example:

  • When Follow Up Boss hired us, we knew they had some great ideas about real estate and that many websites publish industry content. Because of this, we knew a guest post strategy would be an effective way to generate links. We ended up earning links on multiple high authority sites, including Hubspot.  
  • When SentryOne came to us, they already had lots of linkable content that was underperforming. We identified pages that we knew would be link magnets and performed outreach to send links to these posts.  

The reason we tailor our link building strategy is simple: what works for one website might not work for another. 

We Offer Immense Transparency

There are plenty of shady players in the world of SEO and link building. These services claim big results but are rarely able to back it up. 

At LinkBuilder, we pride ourselves on our transparency. That’s why we have published so many case studies showing how our service has helped clients generate both links and traffic. 

And what’s more, we use real business names whenever possible. This means you can check what we are saying against results from SEO tools like Ahrefs. 

Linkbuilder.io Clients

We are also very active on our link building blog (and proud of the fact we rank very well), where you can read all about our link building philosophy to check it aligns with what you want. 

You can discover:

Ultimately we think that the variety of services we offer, combined with our commitment to quality and transparency, make us the best link building service around. 

But we aren’t the only show in town. Here are eight more great link building services. 

2. No BS Marketplace: Best for Guest Posts and Niche Edits

No BS Marketplace ProsNo BS Marketplace Cons
✅ You can choose exactly which sites you get links from a list of options
✅ 4-year history
✅ Affordable pricing
❌ No option for high authority websites
❌ Not a good option for brands looking for a comprehensive strategy

No BS Marketplace is part guest post agency, part link building marketplace. It aims to connect publishers who accept links with websites that need them. 

The company has a network of over 10,000 sites that you can search through to find targets. Once you have a list of sites with metrics that you like, your account manager will begin the process of generating links. 

#2 NO BS Marketplace Best Link Building Companies

Pricing starts at $130, which includes the cost of writing the blog post. This means it’s one of the cheaper options out there. And you can buy packages to get links on anything from DR20 plus sites to DR40 plus. 

No BS Marketplace Is a Great Way to Choose Specific Types of Links

What we like about No BS Marketplace is the relative transparency you get when choosing links. Before buying your link you can view key SEO metrics about the target site. This lets you confirm that it isn’t a spammy link farm. 

The company doesn’t provide the website URL during the search process. While this may seem like a lack of transparency, we think it’s fair. Not sharing URLs protects the publisher and stops clients from going directly to the website and cutting No BS Marketplace out of the deal. 

What’s more, No BS Marketplace shares the website URL once you have paid. If you don’t like the site at this point, you can cancel the order and choose another one. 

3. Loganix: Best for Agencies to Outsource Link Building

Loganix ProsLoganix Cons
✅ Offers multiple services
✅ Easy way for agencies to outsource link building
✅ Long list of testimonials
❌ No all-inclusive link building service

Loganix is a link building agency that offers multiple packages. 

These include:

  • Guest posts
  • Authority links
  • Brand links
  • HARO links
  • Press releases

The agency offers its services to anyone, but it is especially popular with digital marketing agencies who want to offload link building responsibilities to experts. 

Loganix Has a Huge Library of Testimonials

#3 Loganix Best Link Building Agencies

Loganix has a long list of testimonials from people who are happy with the service. Many of these testimonials are from respected brands, which we think is a great sign that the company is doing something right. 

We also like that the business tells you exactly what each link building service includes. 

For example, the guest post service page goes into great detail about:

  • The types of websites the company outreaches to
  • Its quality control processes
  • Who writes the content
  • An approximate timeline

With this knowledge, you can make an informed decision about whether you want to hire Loganix to build links for you.

4. Siege Media: Best Content Marketing Service

Siege Media ProsSiege Media Cons
✅ Attracts links from authoritative sites
✅ Handles the entire content marketing process
✅ Works with well-known brands
❌ Minimum project costs are out of reach for many companies

Siege Media is a content marketing agency—it takes care of content planning, production, and promotion. 

We’ve included the service on this list because it focuses on promoting the content it creates, which can result in links. 

Siege Media Is an Effective Way to Build High Authority Links

There are two things we like about Siege media. 

The first is its client list, which includes well-known brands like Audible, Tripadvisor, and Norton. These companies have a huge presence on Google, which suggests Siege Media is doing something right. 

#4 Siege Media High Quality Link Building Service

The company is transparent about the results it achieved with these clients. It goes into detail on its website.

We also like the company’s focus on using digital PR to build press links. This is the most effective way to attract links from high domain authority websites that don’t accept guest posts or link placements. 

The issue is that this type of service doesn’t come cheap. The Siege Media website doesn’t promote pricing, but reviews on third-party sites suggest a starting project cost of $10,000.

5. Fractl: Best for Digital PR Link Building

Fractl ProsFractl Cons
✅ Journalist outreach can result in authoritative links
✅ Proven results
✅ Well-known clients
❌ High minimum project size

Fractl is a content marketing agency that offers digital PR services. The company creates both content for keywords and content for attracting links.

It then reaches out to journalists with story pitches, hoping that they will write articles with links. Fractl says it has built links from Vice, Today, Mashable, and Elite Daily using this strategy. 

#5 Fractl Link Building Services

Personalized Outreach Helps Fractl Stand Out

We like Fractl’s commitment to personalized outreach. Journalists and website owners receive a huge number of proposals from people trying to generate links. Even good pitches are likely to be lost under a pile of spam. 

Fractl gets around this by building relationships with journalists. By offering story ideas that are interesting to their audience, the company’s clients have a good chance of getting covered.

The downside is that this type of link building doesn’t come cheap. Fractl doesn’t promote its prices, but third-party sites report a minimum project size of $10,000 plus.

6. Dofollow.io: Best for Payment Transparency

Dofollow.io ProsDofollow.io Cons
✅ Unique payment structure
✅ Well-respected in the industry
✅ Focus on link profile
❌ No public case studies showing results

Dofollow.io is a link building agency with a unique payment structure: you only pay for links the company builds. 

Most other services require you to pay a set monthly fee which includes the links the company builds during the month. While there are many benefits to the latter payment structure it’s easy to see why some businesses would prefer the Dofollow.io way of paying.

This Payment Structure Has Clear Benefits

The benefit to this payment structure is clear: you only pay for links the company builds. If the service doesn’t perform, you won’t pay anything. 

# Dofollow.io Best Link Building SEO Services

You don’t have to worry about a hefty bill at the end of the month because you can set a maximum budget that Nofollow.io won’t go over. Be aware that your budget must be at least $3,000.

The worry is that this pricing structure could encourage Dofollow.io to be lax about the type of sites it attracts links from—allowing it to maximize revenue. But the company has a good reputation and a solid due diligence process to weed out spam and PBNs. 

7. Linkpitch.io: Best for Blogger Outreach

Linkpitch ProsLinkpitch Cons
✅ Blogger outreach based link building
✅ Builds relevant links 
✅ Lots of detail about its process
❌ No public case studies

Linkpitch is a link building outreach service. It promises to build relevant, high-quality links using strategies such as: 

  • Unlinked mentions
  • Broken link building
  • Resource pages
  • Content promotion

You can read all about the company’s approach to link building on its website.

#7 Linkpitch.io High Quality Backlink Service

Linkpitch Promises Relevant Links

We like Linkpitch’s commitment to blogger outreach. This is the only way to guarantee that links aren’t coming from PBNs or spam sites. 

Linkpitch also focuses on relevant links. This is a big positive because links from relevant sites are more powerful than links from similarly authoritative but non-relevant sites.

8. Digital Olympus: Best for Clients That Want the Final Say on Outreach

Digital Olympus ProsDigital Olympus Cons
✅ Relationship-based approach to link building
✅ Client given final say on outreach targets
✅ No paid links
❌ Public case studies don’t contain much detail

Digital Olympus is a link building agency that has a relationship-based approach to link building. This means it isn’t relying on speculative outreach emails to generate leads.

The service has some impressive clients, including G2 and Edex. You can also contact the company to get a sample of the types of links it has placed for clients. 

Digital Olympus Lets You Approve All Outreach Targets

Digital Olympus works with the client to create a list of sites to outreach to, meaning you can approve or reject targets. Having the power to veto links is the only way to guarantee you’ll be happy with the links you receive. 

We’re also impressed with Digital Olympus’s approach to paid links. The company says it has never paid for a single link, which is impressive considering the number of blogs and websites that will only place links for a fee.

#8 Digital Olympus Backlink Building

9. Bibibuzz: Best for Relationship-Based Link Building

Bibibuzz ProsBibibuzz Cons
✅ Relationship-based link building
✅ Clear transparency into the process
✅ Clear stance on paid links
❌ No public case studies

Bibibuzz is a link building service run by Bibi the Link Builder. It’s a relationship-based service that focuses on gaining healthy links from niche-relevant websites. Typical pricing for a link building campaign is $6,000 for ten links, or an average cost of $600 per link.

What We Like About Bibibuzz

Bibi is central to the service she offers. This means she can build relationships with link prospects rather than sending out thousands of faceless outreach emails. 

#9 Bibibuzz SEO Backlink Services

This opens up strategies like generating links from Facebook groups, collaborations with real businesses, and working with industry organizations. 

The other thing we like is that Bibi outlines the exact link building strategy she uses in a blog post on her website. This means there are no surprises—you know precisely what you are getting before you sign up. 

Bibi is also clear about her stance on paying for links: she lets each client decide whether or not they want to try this type of link building. 

10. Samurai Marketers: Best for Highly Vetted Links

Samurai Marketers ProsSamurai Marketers Cons
✅ All links vetted via a 15-step process
✅ Well known in the industry
✅ Plenty of case studies and testimonials
❌ Can’t get links on sites like Forbes, NYT, etc.

Samurai Marketers is a link building agency that builds highly vetted links. They have different pricing for different tiers of links (DR 40 to 70 and DR70+).

Pricing starts at $130, which includes the cost of writing the blog post. This means it’s one of the cheaper options out there. And you can buy packages to get links on anything from DR20 plus sites to DR40 plus.

Samurai Marketers Has a Lot of Case Studies and Testimonials

#10 Samurai Marketers Backlink Services

What we like about Samurai Marketers is that they have worked with some really well-known brands and have their testimonials as well. Samurai Marketers knows that there are a lot of link building agencies out there often selling links that don’t help their clients.

To make sure their links help their clients rank better they have a 15-step vetting process.  Some things that they look for while vetting are:

  • Organic keyword to organic traffic ratio.
  • Inbound to outbound link ratio.
  • Checking outbound links for spammy anchors.

Types of Link Building Services

Our list includes several different types of link building services. Each category differs in the type of links it builds, the extras it offers, and the cost and pricing model. 

Link Building Agencies

Link building agencies are companies that focus specifically on link building. They typically use multiple tactics to build links for clients. 

These companies may also provide other SEO services. For example, creating content that drives links or choosing the best keywords to target. 

Most of the time, these services charge a monthly retainer fee that covers all the work they do. They may also offer pay-per-link services.

Content Marketing Agencies

Content marketing agencies are those that offer the complete scope of content marketing services. Link building is just one part of their overall offering. 

These agencies typically charge a monthly fee for services. They may not guarantee links, even if link building and outreach are part of their service.

Digital PR Services

Digital PR is a specific part of link building where businesses create content with the goal of attracting press attention (and links). PR link building is the best way to get featured on high authority websites. 

It’s not easy to do though, so expect pricing for these services to reflect this. You’ll typically pay either a monthly retainer or a fee per campaign. 

Be Careful When Choosing a Link Building Service

You have to choose a link building service carefully. There are plenty out there that build bad links that at best won’t move the needle, and at worst will negatively affect your site. 

But it’s not all bad news. This list shows there are also plenty of services that will build quality links to your site.

Just choose one that is transparent about how it builds links, has a history of success, and is willing to work with you to establish a strategy tailored to your site.

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